VCOM pricing is based on the number of concurrent users/devices connected (called ports). For pricing or to test VCOM before purchasing please contact our sales team.
VCOM Cloud
Subscribe to VCOM for a monthly fee and let us host the server.
Best for small teams
We host your server
Comms on any device
Connect with Dante, SIP, etc
Rental License
Rent VCOM for a monthly fee and host your own server.
Best for medium teams
Host your own server
Comms on any device
Connect with Dante, SIP, etc
Permanent License
Contact us
Pay a one time fee for VCOM and host your own server.
Best for large teams
Host your own server
Comms on any device
Connect with Dante, SIP, etc

Copyright © 2006-2025 Intracom Systems, LLC / Developer of the VCOM Virtual Matrix.
U.S. Patents 8,660,039, 8,942,141, 9,357,077, 10,701,319.